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Why implants?

Increase your options

Dental implants look, feel and work just like your own teeth – a state-of-the-art alternative to dentures and bridges. They allow you to smile, speak and eat with confidence – no more worries about a denture slipping or a gap showing. We will provide you with all the information you need to help you decide if this is the right option for you.

Your teeth are meant to work together as a complete unit. They affect your facial appearance and the correct functioning of your mouth. Speech and eating patterns are heavily influenced by their state of health.

Gaps in your mouth caused by missing teeth can cause significant problems. The teeth either side of an empty space will tilt and drift, making them more difficult to clean. The teeth above the space are also free to move, making your bite uneven.

After you lose a tooth, the section of jaw bone that would have supported it begins to dissolve. This affects your gums and the general stability of the rest of your teeth. A denture or bridge returns your mouth to working order but the subsequent bone shrinkage can lead to discomfort.

Dental implants are made from inert materials that have undergone extensive testing over a period of many years. Titanium is accepted by your body and forms a bond with bone that is strong enough to support teeth.

What is involved?

There are three stages to placing dental implants. Local anaesthesia is used to eliminate any discomfort during the procedure.

  • The implant is placed into your jaw and remains covered for three-six months by your gum while it adheres to the bone. You may be fitted with a temporary denture/bridge during this period*.
  • The implant is uncovered to attach an extension, which acts as the foundation of the new tooth.
  • The new tooth is applied; it is designed to blend with the natural characteristics of your own teeth. 

Treatment time will vary depending on your particular requirements. We will advise you about the best ways of caring for your new teeth to ensure the long-term success of the procedure.

*Immediate tooth replacement is possible in certain circumstances

Are dental implants the right solution for you?

Please call our reception to discuss your options to help you make an INFORMED decision.

Your First Visit
Your first visit
What to expect
Your first visit
  • You will be welcomed by a team member at reception. We will ensure that all your personal details are correct.
  • If you haven't already done so, you will need to fill out a few forms such as a medical history and a patient questionnaire. Once these are completed, you will be ready to see the dentist.
  • You will be shown to the treatment room where you will meet more members of our team.
  • This is your time and you will have the opportunity to ask your dentist any questions that you may have.
  • The dentist will then carry out a tooth-by-tooth examination of your mouth, including an oral cancer screening, a gum examination and an assessment of your jaw joints. We will also take X-rays and photos of your teeth if necessary.
  • Once this has all been completed, you and your dentist will have the opportunity to discuss your treatment options.
  • The final step is to book further recommended appointments at reception.
Remember - we take time to get to know you and your teeth. Please ask any questions you may have or get in touch after your appointment to check any details.
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