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01 October 2023
Risks of teeth grinding

There are several risks when you grind your teeth. In the short term, this might just be mild discomfort. However, in the long term it could cause serious damage to the way your teeth look and function.

Short-term symptoms

  • Inflamed and receding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Earaches, headaches and toothaches
  • Stiff muscles in your face, neck and shoulders
  • Sleep deprivation

Long-term symptoms

  • Extreme grinding down of your tooth enamel or whole teeth
  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • An altered bite, affecting the way you eat
  • Changes to the shape of your face due to severely worn-down teeth
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction

Mouthguards help prevent sleep-related teeth grinding. Wear one at night to create a barrier between your teeth to stop you from clenching them together. This helps prevent any further damage and reduces pain. A mouthguard can be strange to wear at first, but keep with it and it is amazing how effective they can be in reducing the effects of clenching and grinding.

Although mouthguards are available in most pharmacies or online, we’d always recommend wearing a custom-made one from your dentist. As they’re made to fit your mouth specifically, they generally work a lot better than an over-the-counter solution. Ask your dentist for details.

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