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05 August 2023
Teeth-friendly picnic foods to enjoy

In the hope of there being some sunny days this month, here are some suggestions for low-sugar foods that you might want to add to your picnic.

Celery or cucumber and hummus

Crunchy vegetables require lots of chewing and crunching, which helps produce saliva and neutralise bacteria in your mouth. Hummus is made of chickpeas, which are full of protein and folic acid that help protect your gums.

Homemade potato salad

As well as containing vitamin C, which helps keep your gums healthy and strong, potatoes also contain vitamin A. In addition to neutralising bacteria, vitamin A helps break down sugar in your food, preventing it from attacking your teeth. Use yoghurt and crème fraiche.


Cheese contains calcium, which naturally strengthens your teeth. It also helps balance the PH levels in your mouth, helping to neutralise harmful sugars.

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