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Root treatment

We will advise using endodontics when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is damaged through decay or injury. The alternative is to remove the tooth.

If the pulp becomes infected, the infection may spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess. The aim of the treatment is to remove all infection from the root canal. The root is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection.

At the first appointment, the infected pulp is removed. Any abscesses, which may be present, can also be drained at this time. The root canal is then cleaned and shaped ready for the filling. A temporary filling is put in and the tooth is left to settle.

The tooth is checked at a later visit and, when all the infection has cleared, is filled.

Your First Visit
Your first visit
What to expect
Your first visit
  • You will be welcomed by a team member at reception. We will ensure that all your personal details are correct.
  • If you haven't already done so, you will need to fill out a few forms such as a medical history and a patient questionnaire. Once these are completed, you will be ready to see the dentist.
  • You will be shown to the treatment room where you will meet more members of our team.
  • This is your time and you will have the opportunity to ask your dentist any questions that you may have.
  • The dentist will then carry out a tooth-by-tooth examination of your mouth, including an oral cancer screening, a gum examination and an assessment of your jaw joints. We will also take X-rays and photos of your teeth if necessary.
  • Once this has all been completed, you and your dentist will have the opportunity to discuss your treatment options.
  • The final step is to book further recommended appointments at reception.
Remember - we take time to get to know you and your teeth. Please ask any questions you may have or get in touch after your appointment to check any details.
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